Siobhan O'Farrell - Nutritional Therapist & Lifestyle Nutrition Coach

all about ME...

Hi , my name is Siobhan O'Farrell. I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist & Lifestyle Nutrition Coach registered with the NTOI, (Nutritional Therapists of Ireland).

I was always interested in cooking and good food but sometimes life gets in the way. I found this out about 10 years ago after a particularly stressful time in my life, where I wasn't feeding myself well. Who wants to eat well when you are in the middle of a very difficult period of life and all that goes with it?  I went to the GP and got all the tests and everything was 'normal' but I still didn't feel normal.

So I went down the so called 'complimentary' routes and started researching nutrition or lack of it and it's impact on health for myself. That is where my journey began into what became a life changer for me. I came across Functional Medicine and it’s evidence based view of the body, where clinical imbalances in hormonal, digestive, immune systems etc. are connected to each other and if one system is out of balance, it impacts another system and can cause illness. This really made sense to me, and also the fact that diet, lifestyle, stress, trauma are considered as significant factors that can impact health, this for me completed the picture. 

My research moved on and my passion was born. I started a 4 year diploma in Nutritional Therapy alongside becoming a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. I truly believe that food and lifestyle impacts our health in so many ways we cannot imagine, and making good, appropriate changes can only bring about positive results.